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Most of the time, we deal with the obstacles by persevering. Sometimes we get discouraged and turn to inspirational writing, like stuff from Vince Lombardi: “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” Bad advice. Winners quit all the time. They just quit the right stuff at the right time.

Some books make an impact on you much more than many others. The Dip by Seth Godin is such a book for me. It may seem to contain quite evident truths to some. To me it made these truths clearer.

This post is to announce that I will stop this blog.

This is something I have resisted doing for some time, but have finally decided to do with 2013 coming to an end.

Before letting you know why, I want to thank all of you who regularly visited my blog, liked and/or commented on my posts. I had the opportunity to know many interesting people with many different interests, some pretty similar to mine. Indeed, it was a pleasure to share my experience and likes with people interested in listening (or should I say reading) about and discovering new territories. I am forever thankful for this, more than you can imagine, and will continue to follow some of you who have blogs, as much as time permits.

A special message to those who are as much in love with New York City as I am: thank you for being there to chat about my favorite place in the world. I wish sometimes that some of my not-so-in-love-with-NY friends could have taken just a minute to look at my vision of the city. To my NYC lovers readers: you made my world less lonely, and for this I thank you.

I will be starting a new job in January, something that I have wanted to do for a long time. This will require time and focus and I don’t want to neglect this opportunity that I have sought for quite some time. I want to give my best to this opportunity in order to get the best of it and this is only possible by updating my priorities and activities. I don’t want to give 50% of me to one passion and 50% of me for a hobby, I’ll be disappointed with both. I’d rather focus 100% on one and that means stopping this blog.

I will still take pictures and enjoy everything there is to enjoy here, in the United States and in Texas, but time is limited. Blogging in two languages (I translated each post into French myself) is a lot of work.

This blog will stay here for some months probably, in case I find time to pursue it as a hobby (which I honestly doubt I will find). I am not sure whether it will stay here forever though. I might end up deleting it. The Facebook page will be deleted next week though.

If you have read so far, thank you. I’m keeping my Instagram account, so you are free to follow me if you want to see more of Texas (the State – the cat has his own Instagram account).

I will “see you” on your blogs and to some, maybe one day in New York and in person? Who knows!

I wish everyone a very happy holiday season and a successful year to come. All the best!


"Quit or be exceptional" - The Dip, by Seth Godin | Books, Cupcakes, and Cats Chasing Chipmunks